05 - 06.11.2008, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal  

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>>05.09.2008: European FTTH Forum 2008 to be held in Lisbon in November 2008


European FTTH Forum 2008 to be held in Lisbon in November 2008


International experts discuss Fiber Technology, Next Generation Networks and Business Cases in Lisbon, endorsed by the FTTH Council Europe


Dear Colleague,


During the FTTH Forum (http://www.ftthforum.net/), a 2-days event, international experts come together in Lisbon to discuss various aspects of the technology, that will finally provide high bandwidth to homes and businesses.


International regulators and operators, governmental organizations, top-level analysts and consultants will discuss at different panels


·       Key Legislative and Regulatory Issues Affecting Fiber Projects

·       Challenges of Municipal Broadband Deployment

·       FTTX Operator Business Models & Case Studies

·       "Fiber to the Farm" -How to make rural FTTx profitable-

Around 25 speakers, including representatives from local governmental institutions, will make this event one of the few European conferences to discuss subjects, like:


·          How can governments encourage investment in Fiber without encouring new monopolies ?

·          How does FTTx compare to DSL

·          Identifying the Key Drivers for Operators to migrate to FTTx networks

·          Overcome the uncertain regulatory outlook for FTTx


If you are looking for the optimal path to invest in fiber deployment in your access networks to deliver new , high value video and interactive services, join us in November to get all the answers.


The European FTTH Forum 2008 (www.ftthforum.net)  is built around many case studies delivered by our special speaker panel representing network operators, consultants and the brightest analysts of Europe.


Please visit our announcement website at www.ftthforum.net and register for our newsletter. During the next weeks you will receive updates about the agenda and the updated speakers list and I can assure you, that it is one of the best speaker line-up's that have ever met together in an European event discussing Next Generation Networks.


If you are coming from a telecommunications operator, a municipality, utility or real estate agency, if your business is connected to Next Generation Networks, if you are working with a regulator, an ISP or Infrastructure Vendor, if you are a consultant or representing a broadcaster, join us in November (5.-6.11) in Lisbon for one of the most important FTTH/NGN events in Europe.


See you in Lisbon from 5.-6.11 !

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