05 - 06.11.2008, Centro Cultural de Belem, Lisbon, Portugal  

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>>Agenda >>Day 2
06 - 11 - 2008

>>09h30 | 09h40 Resume of the first day & Moderation Key Notes>>
  Joăo Ramos, Expresso

>>09h40 | 10h10 Keynote Address
A New Agenda for Knowledge Society>>
  Jaime Quesado, Programa Operacional da Sociedade do Conhecimento (POSC)

>>10h10 | 10h40 Keynote Address
Next generation networks: why does it matter for Portugal?>>
  This presentation will explore how next generation networks may be important for Portugal's competitiveness, framing its development in the Technological Plan's strategy.
Rui Grilo, Plano Tecnologico

>>10h40 | 11h00 Coffee Break>>

>>11h00 | 11h30 Ethernet Fiber Access Solutions>>
  In the hyperconnected world, where the number and types of devices connected to networks is outpacing the number of people using them, consumers want to access such bandwidth-hungry services as HD video on demand quickly, without waiting hours for a download to complete. Today’s networks often fall short in supporting these major demands for bandwidth because the first mile connection from the network core to a user’s home or business is shared among many different users. This presentation proposes a new technology (WDM-PON) for last-mile to address this.
Rafael Sánchez, Nortel

>>11h30 | 12h00 FTTH Networks - Deploying the Future Today>>
  Carlos Barroqueiro, CBE

>>12h00 | 12h30 Recent advances in Next Generation Access Infrastructure technologies>>
  Highlighting recent advantages in NGA Infra technologies and explaining how they will help FTTH network owners and operators to develop more profitable fiber deployment strategies
Albert Grooten, Draka Communications

>>12h30 | 13h00 Q&A Session>>

>>13h00 | 14h30 Lunch>>

>>14h30 | 15h00 New Media, New Challenges, New Opportunities>>
  Deutsche Welle has been around for more than 50 years, providing its users - be they viewers, listeners or readers - with a variety of content formats. In the past, the content was brought to recipients in "traditional" ways, for example via short waveradio or staellite TV. The developments and advancements in technology of recent years have resulted in completely new ways of getting content to the audience. This goes hand in hand with new consumption patterns and opportunities. Consequently, DW has adapted its distrubution strategy and is currently in the middle of a major process of change, introducing and pursuing a multi-platform strategy. The presentation looks at what has been changed and why, gives an overview of the underlying reasons and tries to look ahead at the future from the perspective of an international public service broadcaster.
Jochen Spangenberg, Deutsche Welle

>>15h00 | 16h00 Panel Session>>
Panel Session:
Challenges of Municipal Broadband Deployment

This panel reviews broadband demand; possible justifications for and the status of municipal broadband deployment; speed, feature, and price considerations.
The panel will lead to the following panel, that is focussing especially to regional and rural areas.

Moderador: Hartwig Tauber, Hasita Consulting (Austria)

ARGE Glasfaser Waldviertel - Three rural Municipalities building a FTTH-Network

Three rural municipalities (total: 1.500 households) in the north-eastern part of Lower Austria (near Czech border) deployed an FTTH-network while building a new sewer system. In addition they built a fiber-backbone to connect the three municipalities. The network is an open access network. Today 160 customers are connected, by end of 2007 it will be 250 households and up to 30 SMEs using the FTTH-connection. Available services: high-speed-internet, special business-services (IT-outsourcing, data-backup), VoIP, media-database, local direct connections, intranet.

(Hartwig Tauber; Hasita Consulting)

Open-access FTTH Networks by French municipalities and regional authorities : an exemple of opportunities

For 4 years French local authorities have been operating telecom networks on wholesale market. They set up fiber optic metropolitan area networks. Now, they develop FTTH networks, as a natural evolution of their previous actions. Various types of FTTH networks are either under construction or being operated:  dark fibre, Ethernet Pt to Pt, EPON-GPON… In every cases, they chose « open-access » model. The case studies are notably :

- FTTH networks dedicated to SMEs and large companies: Toulouse Sud-Est-Sicoval (3 areas, 1000 companies); Grand Nancy (20 areas, 1 500 buildings); SIPPEREC, 147 areas around Paris, 7 000 companies in  the « Sequantic” FTTH network;

- residential FTTH networks: “OPALYS Network” around Paris (22 000 flats with GPON), Moselle Telecom FTTH; FTTH by “Manche Numérique”, Deauville “FTTH Presqu’Ile project”, Vialis FTTH network in Colmar..

- mixed FTTH networks, for both economic and residential areas: Teloise Network  (20 “Digital Areas”) with SMEs and social blocks of flats (5000).

Services provided: dark fiber links, Ethernet links (100Mbps-1Gbps), IP-VPN, datacenter … operated by private companies for 20 years. Public-private investments: from 6 to 70 M€.

(Agnès Huet, Comptoir des Signaux)

>>16h00 | 16h20 Coffee Break>>

>>16h20 | 18h00 Panel Session>>
Panel Session:
Challenges of Municipal Broadband Deployment
"Fiber to the Farm"
-How to make rural FTTx profitable-

This panel will discuss how to make strategic use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support regional and local development, to overcome infrastructure and geographical handicaps, and to make less-developed regions and rural areas more attractive to business and individuals alike.

Moderator: Hartwig Tauber, Hasita Consulting (Austria)

Agnès Huet, Comptoir des Signaux (France)
Andreas Ek, DynamoNet (Finland)
Miguel-Angel Acero, Aggaros (Spain)
Uros Lozar, IPS (Slovenia)
Benoit Cosandey, Sierra Energy (Switzerland)
Martin Schramm, Horsens/Profiber

FTTx development in rural areas – social responsibility needed? Case: Dynamo Net

This presentation will briefly look into the different broadband alternatives the telcos offer customers in rural areas and what the market trends in these areas are. It will emphasize on the advantages of fiber networks especially in rural areas and why the public sector should take the responsibility of rolling out fiber. As the case Dynamo Net will show, municipalities are excellent network builders but it is also important to find the right role.

Andreas Ek, DynamoNet)

Martin Schramm, Horsens/Profiber

FTTH in the Alpine countryside

Sierre-Energie, as a countryside MSO, decided to take the disruptive plunge to FTTH as a way of ensuring a continued high quality service delivery to its customers. What were and are the challenge, is there already some lesson learned, what are the key factors to a succesful deployment? Those questions are addressed in this presentation.

Benoit Cosandey, Sierra Energy

Round table discussion

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