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>>visitor information>> What will you learn

The copper network that enabled the last 50 years of communications and data services for consumers and businesses in Europe can no longer cope with the increasing demand in both quantity and quality of services. Fiber to the Home (FTTH) is the answer, but Europe has been slow in embracing the issue of network rejuvenation, in large part because such a move requires a rethink of everyone's role in the value chain.

> How can short-term legacy telecom businesses cope with long-term investment?
> If they can't, who else can invest and with which funds?

Finally, the services offered by content providers increasingly compete with those offered by access providers.

> How will FTTH differentiate itself from legacy copper on the service offering,
> who will play what role and how will revenues flow along the value chain?

All these questions are crucial in determining the future prospect of FTTH in Europe. Different countries and different players have gone down different paths, and it is that diversity of experience which the FTTH Forum plans to expose its delegates to.

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